Wednesday 4 April 2007

Oh i don't know what to write, see you tomorrow.

so its twenty past nine at night and after some really nice texts i felt really excited about going away tomorrow but now it seems that it has been turned into a competition. why a competition? why can't we allbe supportive and anyway benny is claiming that he is already there having a romantic night with Kate, imagine the conversation, "it's a shame i couldn't get it up." "Don't worry about it," "it would have made the holiday special." "don't worry it could happen to anyone." Oh i don't know what to write, see you tomorrow.

Monday 2 April 2007

benny needs your help

well nelson mandela said that he's basically an optimist by nature and you have to face towards the sun and walk forward. that sunny demenure rubbed off on benny when he spent that time on roben island for inciting civil disobedience, a stance that everyone who knew him thought was at odds with his tory boy living of old. Well anyway its a good thing that benny spent that time incarcerated because he has had to face more trials recently and is relying on that sunny demenure to keep him going. firstly he couldn't get the big barbeque through the garage meaning that summers may not be as planned. but more pressingly easter plans are not as they were as the wigwam is looking difficult to erect. he's down at the moment. he's gotta ring tomorrow for some advice, something that he's not fond of. two disappointments are enough for any man but michael is strong and with your words of comfort he can continue his walk towards the sun.

Sunday 1 April 2007

schools out

It seems that i am the only person who don't know what is happening and bob has suitably chastised me for not keeping up to speed. for more information check the comments from before but they go along the lines of, everyone knows where we are going except you mr dyke and lucy is no longer a teacher. it means easter can be a time of great celebration. anyway, this blog may appear sporadically from now as i have limited access to teh internet due to the easter holidays. but if you need to contact me or something you could talk to me. bob said that's how they used to deal with the communication problem in medieval times. herbert told him.