Tuesday 27 February 2007


i found my keys. well kristy found them. they were where she told me they would be. down the side of the sofa. i just didn't look. i could have saved myself a lot of hassle if i'd looked properly down the side of the sofa. theres a message there for everyone.

Monday 26 February 2007

it were like a dream

man, its dead strange because this time yesterday me and kristy were standing at the top of the cliff over looking whitesands bay and now i'm back at work. you see we went cornwall at the weekend and it was very nice. it all started on friday evening, i tried to get an early night but my sister went to hospital so we went to see her and then i went to bed about ten so i could get up early for a nice journey to cornwall. we set off at six and got there for eleven, this made me think how easy it is to get places and i have therefore learned a valuable lesson.
i then went to the bar and had a pint of tribute. i've been thinking about this today. if your look at andy's blog you will see a picture of me drinking my pint of tribute. i saw it this morning and it made me realise that we live in strange times when you can come to work on a monday morning and have a look at your holiday photographs on the interweb thing. strange. anyway tribute... i created some kind of fixation on st austell breweries. the hotel we stopped in was owned by them and they had leaflets and books that i read and i realised that i like st austell beer and their pub and i got into spotting them. then i realised that i had become a spodder.

anyway, we'd gone to cornwall to go to jeff and pauline's wedding. i'd never met jeff and Pauline before but they were very nice. jeff is an uncle of Kristy’s and he lives in redruth. redruth doesn't have the benefit of being by the sea so it was different a different, more like a north Wales kind of cornwall but with really expensive property. Kristy’s dad advised us against going out in the town because everyone would stare at us, but i find that that happens anywhere.

the service was lovely, the vicar talked about three strands to a rope and one being jeff the other Pauline and the other god. he then mentioned that he used to be a life guard in newquay. you don't get that at St Luke's in cannock!

well the afterwards was let down slightly by not being in a st austell's hostelry so i had to drink vodka with red bull. i managed to stay up quiet late but we didn't dance because kristy said her family thought i was normal and she didn't want them to think different. so anyway, that was the wedding bit.

we went to st ives the next day and i must say that there is something special about that place. it’s strange to walk around when it is not streaming with people and you almost have it to yourself. and the light was really bright and it seems cheesy to write this because i saw something on the tele about the 'st ives light' but it was really bright and white and beautiful and i really wish i was back there. we walked along the front, Kristy had an ice cream and then we went onto the far beach where Andrew first went body boarding. i don't think Andrew would have liked to have body boarded yesterday because the waves were really big but i don't blame him. it made me realise why swimming in the sea is great because the waves looked ace. can't wait etc.

after that we did the coastal road to sennen, lovely sennen, beautiful sennen, lovely sennen. well you see, nothing really changes there, it remains peaceful and calm and windy and cold. there are speedbumps on the main road and a mini island at the junction where you turn down to the cove but that’s all, oh and the bistro has closed. We had lunch in the old success and drove to the other side of the bay and looked out over the sea, considering whether to walk down to the beach. we were scared of all the steps so we didn't. the bit that i did walk made me out of breath and it has made me realise that i need to get fit and strong before the summer so i can make the most of the best place in the world.

we then drove back. the moral of this story is that it didn't take long and you can actually get anywhere in a short amount of time really. there are midwife jobs in truro so we can move there one day and we expect everyone to follow us, or at least visit once a month.

Friday 23 February 2007

Thursday 22 February 2007


this blogging thing is harder than you would think. ive spent teh last hour trying to access my account. i did it in teh end. obviously. you see i was entering my name and not my email account. anyway. in my excitement i realised that i already have another blog somewhere else that i somehow set up. it has no posts on it thoug so it is a bit useless. i have to go really and don't have long because the school will be closing. bugger

Wednesday 21 February 2007


today i am having a strange dAY. I LOST MY KEYS AND HAVE HAD TO USE THE SPARE Car key to get to work. i don't really want to be at work today. i don't think the two are related. i watched he football last night and i'm going to watch the football tonight. i don't even like football that much. its too long. i prefer teh edited highlights. i like match of teh day 2 over match of teh day but i end up missing most of it so i can get an early night for monday morning. i'm not very good at mornings you see.

that reminds me of my other news. i've given up coffee (nearly) i was drinking lots of inky black coffee and i've stopped now. i only have one cup in a morning in teh hope that i will no long hurt in teh way i hurt before. read between the lines.

i'm a little drowsy.

anway i can't stop and chat all day. i have to plan my lessons for the afternoon and prepare for watching teh football with michael. please drive carefully if you are going out on teh roads.


Tuesday 20 February 2007

this is me

i'm trying to ask andy on his blog about whether he got kidnapped or not. i feel he did but will not actually say that he got kidnapped because he will lose face. You see, i warned him before he went that the taxi drivers will kidnap him. it happened to my mom and dad in tunisia and if you read andy's blog carefully he refers to taxi drivers. bob said its best not to mention andy being kidnapped so i will leave it there.

anyway, i don't now yet whether i am leaving a posting on andys blog or creating my own blog here so im going to0 continue. please bare with me. i won't be long. i boarded teh loft at teh weekend. i wasn't very good at it and it hurt my legs in the end. yesterday i got a good result at school and although i'm twenty eight it pleased me.

anyway, thats enough about me. how are you?