Thursday 22 February 2007


this blogging thing is harder than you would think. ive spent teh last hour trying to access my account. i did it in teh end. obviously. you see i was entering my name and not my email account. anyway. in my excitement i realised that i already have another blog somewhere else that i somehow set up. it has no posts on it thoug so it is a bit useless. i have to go really and don't have long because the school will be closing. bugger


MrSkins said...

brilliant. its a must read the russellcarldyke blog. it won't be long before the whole inter web thing is subscribing.

i get to work, turn on my computer, but as i attempt to start work i think "must read rcd blog, see whats happened, has he had coffee today? is his arse ok? has he lost his keys yet". these are all questions that must be answered.

russell carl said...

thanks for the complement. i haven't really answered your questions today because i had writers block earlier. however today i had to watch a theatre group perform richard III they were okay but teh play is very hard to get into. i had one cup of coffee this morning (i am feeling very tired as i type this but i'm going to soldier on. My arse is fine. there are two ways i could take your question. i'm going to presume your asking whether i have an illness of some kind. i don't. i think its the coffee. And no, i haven't lost my keys today because i haven't found my old set to lose them again. kristy said its getting silly now and i really should try and find them but i know they are somewhere in the house and they will turn up in the end. they always do. in the mean time i am creating a new set of keys.

i hope i have answered all of your questions