Wednesday 21 February 2007


today i am having a strange dAY. I LOST MY KEYS AND HAVE HAD TO USE THE SPARE Car key to get to work. i don't really want to be at work today. i don't think the two are related. i watched he football last night and i'm going to watch the football tonight. i don't even like football that much. its too long. i prefer teh edited highlights. i like match of teh day 2 over match of teh day but i end up missing most of it so i can get an early night for monday morning. i'm not very good at mornings you see.

that reminds me of my other news. i've given up coffee (nearly) i was drinking lots of inky black coffee and i've stopped now. i only have one cup in a morning in teh hope that i will no long hurt in teh way i hurt before. read between the lines.

i'm a little drowsy.

anway i can't stop and chat all day. i have to plan my lessons for the afternoon and prepare for watching teh football with michael. please drive carefully if you are going out on teh roads.



andrew said...

the chris moyles show: "whats your favourite cheese steven?"

steven gerrard: "errr....melted cheese"

that happened.

good luck the mighty reds

russell carl said...

i prefer dairylea
kristy had loads of different cheese. it was at christmas. but i wanted the dairylea on my crackers. its my favourite. benny said it showed a lack of imagination on my part and summed me up. but i likle dairylea triangles.

i haven't tried the slices