Friday 30 March 2007

oh how nice

well after much debate. it turns out that thursday is the day even if it is midnight. so after those specifics have been ironed out and kate has been saved from a romantic night alone in a tepee with beeny (imagine the you like my tepee? yes i do. it's new have you ever slept in a tepee before? no i haven't. do you like caribinas? eta eta) its time to turn our attention to location specifics. where indeed are we going and on what nights? north coast first (oh my spiritual home) and south coast second? what do you think? well let me know as soon as possible but for now i have to go and moderate coursework. goodbye from me.

Thursday 29 March 2007

specific plans

so, i reckon its about a week until we set off. but you see i have to use teh word sabout because i'm not sure of the specifics. i thought that me and kristy were going to be going down early before everyone else on the thursday and it turns out that benny is going down on the thursday with kate and that might be when rut and flare are setting off. this means that i don't really know what everyone is doing and when. what does it matter i hear you ask? you've never really been bothered before i hear you moan. well you see i'm trying to be organised. so let me know. 9i would tell you more but my next apointment for parent's day has arrived and i must go and deal with that.

Wednesday 28 March 2007

a little herbert in your pocket

this morning i got a text off herbert because i rang him by mistake and he became a little herbert in my pocket. i was carrying him around with me and he was listening to my lessons. i thought isn't this a nice idea to have a herbert in your pocket. you could have him with you at all the time for company providing a sardonic commentary upon all that you do. it made me think, and now i get round to the real point of this posting, that we should make herbert come away at easter. it is extremely important that he is there and there will me a hole in my soul if he does not make it. the plan is to text him, call him, email him at so that he will come away with us and make that transformation from being a little herbert in our pockets to an oddly shaped herbert on our camping expedition. bombard him now! i know that really it is a way to travel but i would like him to be there. wouldn't it be great? whilst your contacting him, ask him if he's found his jumper because i don't want him to accuse me of stealing it in the way that andy stole that basketball hoodie and wouldn't let him know that he had it really. i won't rest until he has it back.

Tuesday 27 March 2007

breaking news :-)

right, i think this is breaking news. i'm sitting here at pantsdown penthouse and benny has just told me something. i fear he could be winding me up but i just asked rob and he said that he thinks it may be true. benny has bought a ten foot tall tepee in preparation for easter. it is fourteen foot diameter as well. it is big and it is arriving on monday. bloody hell. i'm not going to write any more until i have digested this news.

so anyway, before that my breaking news was that andy is alive and well and in sweden. bob said he was in switzerland the land of swiss cheese, but that turned out to be bobs brain because as i said he's in sweden admiring their designs. Thank god. i was telling kristy about how i thought he didn't like me and everything and what with easter coming up that would be terribel but it turns out that all is well and beeny has said we can sit in his tepee, so life is good and easter is coming. can't wait.

still nothing

i've emailed him, but nothing. i might try the telephone. flare has contacted tho and she's really excited.

so it continues

the radio silence continues without mr andrew foreskins contacting the outside worl. things are bad. i'm worried. i even heard from herbie last night, he's lost his jumper and thinks he may have left it at our house. if you see andrew tell him to return

Monday 26 March 2007

radio silence

benny has been moaning at me because i never answer my phone and appear at times to have disappeared off the face of the earth. well i fear that the same fate may have happened to Mr andy foreskins as we are experiencing a period of prolonged radio silence. why? i hear you ask. well no blog entries, no commenting, no emails, phone calls or texts, bar the one where he took offence to me saying he looked like an ugly isrealian footballer and told me that i looked like phil neville. The cheek of it eh? especially with him being the spit of gary neville. Well we are worried. it is summer now and a period of happiness has fallen up our house with the sunshine and we are looking of forward to the scams of easter. However these will not occurr if mr andrew foreskins does not comes back to us. if you see him let him know that we care.

Friday 23 March 2007

its a small world

its a small world . i tell you. last night me and kristy went to watch the school show. it bought back memories i tell you. and it was very good. i know that you don't appreciate that kind of thing but it was good, amazing in fact. well playing bass in the band was marcus. marcus is from wolverhampton and i know him from my orchestra days (i know you don't appreciate that kind of thing etc...) and marcus was once in an different orchestra with kate and kate is in a relationship with benny. blimey. we had lots to talk about for about a minute, the conversation was mainly based around how it is a small world. the show was good mind. not as good as bob's blog mind. have you been on it? he details all of the work that he does everyday at the grid. bob works at the grid with my cousin. its a small world

Wednesday 21 March 2007

Bobby Manion

isn't bob fantastic. i don't see enough of bob at the moment and it is entirely my fault. this posting is prompted by two things. one bob says that i never mention him and two he doesn't like what i write. i think bob is ace and the fact that he doesn't like me really hurts. i'm looking forward to easter so i can see he lil face light up as he waves his arms above his head and chants to the pub incessantly as if his life depended upon having another pint of tribute, or doombar if there ain't a st austell ales hostelry. theres loads of them in cornwall though. when i was last there i picked up a leaflet that lets you know where they all are. thats nearly as brilliant as bob. only nearly mind.

Monday 19 March 2007

the sky

when we go to cornwall, i really want to look at the stars. so i really want to make sure we do some coastal path walking. this is what i have been thinking today. however at present, it is snowing so i doubt it will be clear enough to see the ends of the field let alone the sky.


me again

the weekend has been strange. i hope you enjoyed it though. When i went into school on friday it was non uniform day but i had forgotten so i had to look like the daft idiot at school who wears his uniform when he doesn't want to. nobody picked on me but i think thats cos i'm a teacher now. later that night we went for a meal with benny and kate. it was a kind of coupley thing that served as a warm up for saturday night cos me and kristy went for dinner with rob and kirsty round tash and russell's. russell isn't related to me which is probably good cos i don't like going round my family's house for meals all of the time. and tash cooks really nice meals. kirsty like ocean colour scene and that worried me but i'd met her before so i knew she was alright really. anyway. i got to go to beeny's house as well but everybody was asleep and showed no enthusiasm in seeing me and kristy even though we had made a special effort. when i woke up we went and got breakfast and the car then lazed around all day. herbie came to stop and was elusive as ever but we let that go. we watched 100 best comedians. i stayed up to number 2 and then they cut to a break. i protested at the capitalist exploitation of my interest by turning the adverts off and going to sleep. this was just as well cos the kids told me this morning that number one was billy conneley and i don't really like him. when i woke up herbert was gone and had been replaced by a load of snow. and fern and reggie were on the radio. kristy had a dream once about me working with fern at radio one and she claimed that we'd got it on. when she told benny this he congratulated me. anyway when i got to work the kids were in uniform so it was alright and all is well in the world. i'm happy now you see because my ulcer has nearly gone. if you have an unlcer i recommend ambesol and painkillers.

Friday 16 March 2007

connect 4um

last night beeny came round and had fajittas with me and kristy and lindsay. it was very funny. we drank wine and then he kicked my ass at connect four. this was very distressing to me because i don't like to lose at connect four and think that it indictaes a general malaise within my mind. or something sinister. i was terrible and couldn't win for toffee. i kept pleading for one more game and he would beat me at that too. terrible it was. but on a brighter side herbie is coming to stop and i can play him at connect four. i'm very interested in what his strategy will be. he could build upwards like boys tend to do or acoss the bottom as girls tend to do. although i fear he may do a mixture of both and this will flumox me. i had other things to write but ive forgotten them. this is another symptom of the general malaise in my mind. i like that phrase.

Thursday 15 March 2007


i went to teh dentist yesterday cos i had really bad toothache but it turns out that it was only an ulcer. i have real;ly bad mouth ache now. ouch. i'm not going to write anymore cos i just want to go GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. and then ouch.

Monday 12 March 2007


The other week we were going to meet kate and beeny was going to bring her round and me and kristy discussed putting on posh clothes to make an impression. it didnt happen cos beeny didn't bring her round in the end. so me and kristy end up meeting kate on teh very weekend we decided to act like something out of shameless. our heads hurt on sunday. and when we got back we had to decorate. my dad was there and he made me undercoat the doorframes and kristy had to do teh sanding. he said we didn't have teh enthusiasm we had shown on saturday. but hey ho. three and a half weeks to go and i have my tent all ready. it may buffett but its ready

Tuesday 6 March 2007

its all about visualisation

i've been a little worried about teh holiday lately because nobody is talking about it. but i found out that andrew has got a new tent that we can all crash into when the weather gets poor. and i went the gym yesterday and i was doing some weights with michael and i couldn't be bothered and i stopped. michael told me to carry on but i didn't want to. then he told me to think about those big six foot waves that were gonna attack me. so i did some more weights. its all about visualisation.i can't wait. i'm going to watch the football tonight again. it doesn't seem like two weeks since i was last writing about the football does it? blimey. but i'm not as excited about the football as i am about the holiday. i wonder if everybody else is excited or if they have gone off the boil.

Monday 5 March 2007

no messing

I got my own room at the weekend. it's the middle room. We've sold teh vibrating bed. i can do whatever i want in there, within reason. i am using it as a work room. kristy has insisted that i put the sofa bed in there. i don't want it in there but she says that compromise is important. so i compromised. I'm going to bunker down in there now and woebetide anybody who tries to mess with me whilst i'm in my inner santuary.