Thursday 29 March 2007

specific plans

so, i reckon its about a week until we set off. but you see i have to use teh word sabout because i'm not sure of the specifics. i thought that me and kristy were going to be going down early before everyone else on the thursday and it turns out that benny is going down on the thursday with kate and that might be when rut and flare are setting off. this means that i don't really know what everyone is doing and when. what does it matter i hear you ask? you've never really been bothered before i hear you moan. well you see i'm trying to be organised. so let me know. 9i would tell you more but my next apointment for parent's day has arrived and i must go and deal with that.


Nays said...

I think we are going down on Friday morning, early. I believe Bob and Lucy are following us, as they are staying at ours on Thursday night. That was the plan once upon a time anyway, could have changed.

russell carl said...

nays dear, you don't appear to have a blog at the moment. i think you should tell us about what you do all day in eth style of myself. well anyway. i think benny is going down thurs as i said and me and kristy are travelling down then cos we don't have to worry about work. are you excited? i am! well anyway, keep us informed on your specifics as they increase in clearness and that. and don't have too much fun in the absense of the grumpy one (Andy).

Nays said...

Will keep you updated on the specifics indeed. I cannot wait, i hope we have some sunny days. I think we will. sunny days and bloody freezing evenings. I am really bored and want andy back now. how dare he go off on a jolly like this. at least i get to watch babylon zoo tonight. he only liked that when danny dyer was snorting cocaine off ladies bottoms.

russell carl said...

i don't even know what that means! i think the plan is to stay as warm as possible. other than that i dunno.

Bobby M said...

SPANNER IN THE WORKS, Looks might me and lucy may be going down thursday too. i booked it off and hopefully luce will leave work eairly. if not then nays plan is the plan of plans. i also like danny dyer twosome footballing girls bottoms zoo fun. Charlie and becks tonight. arrrh

Nays said...

Andy wants to go down down Thursday too. I told him we shouldnt because Benny and Kate might want a romantic day on their own. seems like no one else cares so why should we. thursday it is. yay.

MrSkins said...

wow, i really like reading about myself from another country, its weird but makes mefeel warm and fuzzy inside. and not grumpy. though i may be after spending 5 days with the owner of this bloody blog. and by the way, how much time have you got on your hands?

MrSkins said...

oh yes, and thursday sounds like a marvellous idea.

bobby m have you decided to upgrade your bodyboard yet?

Bobby M said...

Bobs market place is closed for all bodyboarding equipment at present. summer sale on music and office equipment is very nearly upon us. might be able to sort you out with an old guitar or worn skate shoes though. No reasonable offer refused on anything i own.

Thursday it is even if it's midnight eta.

russell carl said...

oh i'm so happy to bring so many people together under such an accomodating roof. Thursday it is then.