Wednesday 28 March 2007

a little herbert in your pocket

this morning i got a text off herbert because i rang him by mistake and he became a little herbert in my pocket. i was carrying him around with me and he was listening to my lessons. i thought isn't this a nice idea to have a herbert in your pocket. you could have him with you at all the time for company providing a sardonic commentary upon all that you do. it made me think, and now i get round to the real point of this posting, that we should make herbert come away at easter. it is extremely important that he is there and there will me a hole in my soul if he does not make it. the plan is to text him, call him, email him at so that he will come away with us and make that transformation from being a little herbert in our pockets to an oddly shaped herbert on our camping expedition. bombard him now! i know that really it is a way to travel but i would like him to be there. wouldn't it be great? whilst your contacting him, ask him if he's found his jumper because i don't want him to accuse me of stealing it in the way that andy stole that basketball hoodie and wouldn't let him know that he had it really. i won't rest until he has it back.

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