Tuesday 27 March 2007

breaking news :-)

right, i think this is breaking news. i'm sitting here at pantsdown penthouse and benny has just told me something. i fear he could be winding me up but i just asked rob and he said that he thinks it may be true. benny has bought a ten foot tall tepee in preparation for easter. it is fourteen foot diameter as well. it is big and it is arriving on monday. bloody hell. i'm not going to write any more until i have digested this news.

so anyway, before that my breaking news was that andy is alive and well and in sweden. bob said he was in switzerland the land of swiss cheese, but that turned out to be bobs brain because as i said he's in sweden admiring their designs. Thank god. i was telling kristy about how i thought he didn't like me and everything and what with easter coming up that would be terribel but it turns out that all is well and beeny has said we can sit in his tepee, so life is good and easter is coming. can't wait.


Bobby M said...

sweden, switzerland its all full of hot blonds anyway. anyone for a sauna?

russell carl said...

i'd love one thanks