Tuesday 6 March 2007

its all about visualisation

i've been a little worried about teh holiday lately because nobody is talking about it. but i found out that andrew has got a new tent that we can all crash into when the weather gets poor. and i went the gym yesterday and i was doing some weights with michael and i couldn't be bothered and i stopped. michael told me to carry on but i didn't want to. then he told me to think about those big six foot waves that were gonna attack me. so i did some more weights. its all about visualisation.i can't wait. i'm going to watch the football tonight again. it doesn't seem like two weeks since i was last writing about the football does it? blimey. but i'm not as excited about the football as i am about the holiday. i wonder if everybody else is excited or if they have gone off the boil.


MrSkins said...

i'm excited. i'm excited about the fact that i have a new tent and nobody is allowed in it. especially when the weather gets poor cos we all know who's tent is the most fun to be in then.

russell carl said...

is it gonchs tent?
it might be small but its perfectly formed.

MrSkins said...

has gonch got his wig wam yet? thats where i'll be hanging out in the rain, not the armadillo.

the football was good don't you think? i got your text afterwards so no point responding.

don't you find it annoying how they always turn up the sound on liverpool fans chanting 'you'll never walk alone' for the tv? i do, i mean have you ever heard 40000 football fans singing so perfectly in tune and in time and with such clarity? listen to the liverpool fans they're so great.

well done though, didn't stevie look buff at the end?