Monday 5 March 2007

no messing

I got my own room at the weekend. it's the middle room. We've sold teh vibrating bed. i can do whatever i want in there, within reason. i am using it as a work room. kristy has insisted that i put the sofa bed in there. i don't want it in there but she says that compromise is important. so i compromised. I'm going to bunker down in there now and woebetide anybody who tries to mess with me whilst i'm in my inner santuary.


MrSkins said...

can you please sort out the time on your postings. you need to go into the settings and change to gmt. i like to know these things.

as for the lack of blogging, i can only apologise. i planned to put my new tent up in the garden this weekend and write about that but it rained all weekend.

a saw my uncle steve in cheltenham yesterday. the one who looks like my dad. it was a bit mad. we went for a couple of beers.

russell carl said...

did you drink ale? i reckon your uncle steve drinks ale. its old, like a hobbit.

MrSkins said...

i drank guiness. steve drank abbott ale. in weatherspooons all classy like. its cheap y'see and he's a hawkins.