Friday 23 March 2007

its a small world

its a small world . i tell you. last night me and kristy went to watch the school show. it bought back memories i tell you. and it was very good. i know that you don't appreciate that kind of thing but it was good, amazing in fact. well playing bass in the band was marcus. marcus is from wolverhampton and i know him from my orchestra days (i know you don't appreciate that kind of thing etc...) and marcus was once in an different orchestra with kate and kate is in a relationship with benny. blimey. we had lots to talk about for about a minute, the conversation was mainly based around how it is a small world. the show was good mind. not as good as bob's blog mind. have you been on it? he details all of the work that he does everyday at the grid. bob works at the grid with my cousin. its a small world

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